What is Spiritualism?
Spiritualism is multifaceted
Spiritualism means many things to many people: to some, it is a philosophy; to some a religion; to some the science behind mediumship and evidence of life after death along with the natural laws of cause and effect; and, to some, it is the life long study and attainment of spiritual wisdom.
Spiritualism starts with you
Whatever Spiritualism may come to mean or be defined as by any individual, it is fundamentally a journey of unfolding one’s own spirituality with the aim of bringing about a transformation of the individual’s spiritual qualities, morals and ethics for the betterment of self and to the benefit of all in this life.
Spiritualism at Springdale
What Springdale Church provides is the opportunity for anyone to begin their investigation and study of Spiritualism and to consider its implications in all matters of the spirit here and now as well as the hereafter.
Spiritualism as a three-legged stool
One way you can think about Spiritualism is as a mixture of philosophy, religion, and science.
As a philosophy, Spiritualism provides us the opportunity to learn from God’s Natural Laws and our Seven Principles. Together they assist us as we journey to reach our truth of who we are and what our purpose is. Service to our fellow sisters and brothers is a way of giving freely of ourselves and expressing our true spirit. In the words of Silver Birch, “I know of one religion; it is service. We judge by action, by life, by motive.”
As a religion, Spiritualism leads us to pray to the God of our understanding. In the words of H. Gordon Burrough, “Spiritualism answers all the perplexing questions of life. To those who accept its teachings, it points the way to that high state of consciousness in which humankind finds and recognizes the at-one-ment with Infinite Intelligence.” Our divinity lies within each and every one of us.
As a science, Spiritualism provides us an opportunity to develop and demonstrate the gifts of Mediumship through the communion of Spirits and the Ministry of Angels. We can experience observable facts, irrefutable evidence and truth and an inner knowing that the Religion of Spiritualism is a way of life.
Love is the answer
Spiritualism is a journey of one, which can lead to self-discovery, moving us forward in self-expression of our true nature: LOVE.
May Springdale Church and the Religion of Spiritualism help you seek your truth!
The Seven Principles of Spiritualism
Spiritualists have no fixed creed, but the Spiritualist Church of Canada has adopted seven overarching principles that help to guide Springdale and its members.